Sunday, 20 April 2014

A Pandemic of Happiness

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

I’m a cautious greeter when I’m running. Oh put me in a social setting and I’ll be smiling and Hello-ing till the cows come home, but when I run, I’m cautious.

Why? I don’t know. I always acknowledge the person coming towards me, a cursory nod, a slight smile that says ‘yeah, that we’re both hauling ass around the waterfront, I can’t wait till it’s over either’’ especially if you see the same person multiple times.

But today, a woman ran by me with a grin on her face, yes a full grin, and she beamed out a bubby “ HI!’’ to me, such that I thought I must know her. I didn’t but I did smile back, like, really smile.

Gee that felt good! Buoyed by this surge in endorphins, I decided for the remainder of my run to effusively acknowledge people coming past me.

First was another woman running, she had headphones in and smiled back but seemed a little pre-occupied (I don’t run with headphones btw, I find they make it hard to be ‘in the moment’). Next was an elderly man who looked deep in thought and very serious, “ Good Morning!” I announced with a large smile, he looked up and I swear he just lit up: it was remarkable! I was rather enjoying this now, a lady with a dog smiled back, a chap running did too, two old ladies and a Chihuahua  chorused ‘Good Morning!’ back to me, one young lad gave me a wide berth- but he got smiled at all the same.

I think I used to do this more but I’ve gotten slack: I’d forgotten how easy it is to lift your mood by trying to lift someone else’s. Maybe I took it personally when I didn’t get a smile back, or too preoccupied with the thoughts in my head to notice other people. You can never really know the burden someone is carrying but a gentle reminder that they’re not alone in the world can go a long way. It is true that we’re often so tied up with our own thoughts to notice what other people are doing, but I do wonder what would happen if we all smiled a little more. We may have no idea what is going in someone’s life but a smile certainly never did any harm (well, unless you crack one when your mum is telling you off, or you’re having a passport photo taken.) It also makes you feel damn good. I will from now on, be smiling at will. Even when I’m going uphill (physically or metaphorically) I shall smile all the harder. Lighting up your face ignites a light in someone else, its literally contagious. Imagine if we could start a pandemic of happiness! 

Oh goodness, I think I’m coming down with something!

See if you can catch it too.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Rawsome Hot Cross Buns!

I love Easter! The smell of these warming spices fills the house and just makes you feel HAPPY! 


3 Cups wet Almond Pulp (from milk) *
½ Cup Steel Cut Oats
2 Tablespoons Golden Flax Meal
1 Cup Sultanas
6 Dates
3 Oranges (you'll need the zest of one) 
2 Tablespoons of **Apple Pie Spice (no you probably haven’t heard of this, it’s something I bring in from the USA and sell at classes!) OR:
1.5 tsp of the following Fenugreek, Ginger, Nutmeg
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp of Lemon Powder (or the zest of one lemon will do)

1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 tsp of Salt

*I do NOT suggested just blending almonds, they really need to be activated (soaked) for this recipe otherwise it can be pretty hard to digest.

**yes you could also just use Mixed Spice plus some extra Cinnamon, it’s a different flavour profile but will work fine, just taste as you go!

First, zest one orange and set zest aside, then juice all three oranges and soak the sultanas and dates, top with water to cover and leave for an hour or so.

Mix the steel cut oats so they become powdery and add everything else in a food processor (including soaking water but add gradually) until all ingredients come together to form a dough. 

Create a square on a dehydrator sheet, with a thickness of about 1-1.5 inches. Cut into buns. Dehydrate overnight on a mesh sheet, then separate each bun, glaze and put onto a mesh sheet for 2 hours.

Juice of one Lemon
2 Tablespoons Coconut Nectar

Sugar Dust:
Once you remove from the dehydrator, I like to dip in a light dusting of coconut sugar and cinnamon:
1 Tablespoon Coconut Sugar
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
Mix together making sure there are no lumps. Dip in your buns one at a time.

½ Cup soaked Cashews
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon Coconut Nectar
Pinch of Salt
1 little Water

Blend together till smooth (I find a personal blender ideal for this). Then put into an icing dispenser and make your crosses.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Class Timetable for Term Two, 2014

Class Time Table Term Two 2014

We’re doing a little juggling next term as we will be transitioning into the new kitchen (yay!) but at this stage the classes will all be held at St Andrews Hall, Cnr Sydney Pde and Sydney Rd, Geelong, go around the side to where you see the Yoga sign.

As soon as I can confirm the new space is ready we’ll switch over, meanwhile, the room we have at St Andrews is fabulous!

This term we’ll be offering the Introduction Class and also Winter Warmers which will give you some great ideas for staying warm but keeping up your raw!

Winter Warmers - $100
Saturday May 10th –10am-2pm

Saturday June 14th – 10am-2pm

Eating Raw food and staying warm are not mutually exclusive! In this class we’ll be looking at comfort foods and can promise you, we will satisfy every tastebud and craving you might have in the cooler months! Think casseroles, Mac ‘n Cheese, Soups, Apple Crumble, something devilishly chocolate and you’ll get an idea what’s on the table!

Introduction to Raw Foods -$80

Thursday May  22nd 6.30- 9.00 approx
Saturday June 7th – 10am-12.30 approx
Thursday June 12th – 6.30-9.00 approx

This class covers everything you need to know to get started on Raw. We'll be doing juices, smoothies, spaghetti, bread, cheesecake and much more! 

Please email please note we do need a deposit or full payment to confirm the place.

We look forward to seeing you soon! J

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Our favourite Superfoods!

Now first of all, you don't NEEEED Superfoods, but I absolutely love them because they are a nutrient rich way to add a bit more zing to your diet. Why waste a mouthful on empty, non nourishing calories when you can super charge yourself! Try one or two in your smoothie and see if you feel the difference! Here's a little more about our favourites: 

A small purple berry from the Amazon, Acai is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Its extremely high concentration of antioxidants helps combat premature aging as well as monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fibre and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health. You can only buy this in freeze dried powder form as the berries themselves must be processed within 24 hours to preserve their nutrients.
Blue Green Algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) is one of natures nutritional powerhouses. It contains every vitamin, minerals and amino acid the body needs, is the highest source of plant protein (58%) and a great source of DHA essential for brain development. AFA really aids mental clarity and physical stamina.
The cacao bean is rich in magnesium, a mineral that is vital for nerve and muscle function.  It is also a good source of sulfur, which helps with strong nails, shiny hair, a healthy liver and pancreas. Cacao contains anandamide, a substance that induces euphoria. It also contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a mood enhancer. Whilst PEA occurs naturally in the brain, the only other food that contains PEA is blue-green algae.
Camu Camu
The fruit of the Camu Camu tree contains powerful phytochemicals including the amino acids serine, valine, and leucine, and more Vitamin C than any other known plant in the world. The dehydrated camu camu fruit powder contains 8 - 9% Vitamin C, which is 30 to 60 times more Vitamin C than an orange!
Goji Berries
Goji berries are known for their healing properties. These berries are rich in antioxidants and amino acids, but their real gold lies in their more than 20 vitamins and minerals. These tasty berries have been used for centuries in Asian cultures to strengthen eyesight, fight against viruses, balance hormones, and promote longevity.  We love Goji in everything, try them soaked in warm water and added to a smoothie or use in a fruit slice, they are perfect with chocolate!
With a superb sweet caramel flavour, this nutritionally-dense superfood is chock full of antioxidants, fibre, vitamins including niacin (B3) and minerals especially zinc, calcium and iron.It is perfect added to desserts and slices!
Maca powder comes from the root of the plant and is full of vitamins, minerals, potassium and plant sterols. It is great for balancing hormones, delivering energy and stamina. It has a butterscotch/caramel note and we love it in many of our sweet treats!
An oldie but a goodie, Spirulina is still ahead of the
pack when it comes to protein. It is an excellent source of beta carotene and a wide range of minerals including Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Sodium, Phosphorus and Calcium. As well as boosting the immune system,  Spirulina has a host of benefits including improved digestion, reduced fatigue, increased endurance, appetite control, contributes to healthy cardiovascular function and it’s a great detoxifier!
Tumeric contains curcumin which is rich in antioxidants: it’s pretty clever too as it not only neutralises free radicals itself, it also helps kick start your body’s own defence systems.  it’s also great for reducing inflammation especially when it relates to disease. Curcumin boosts levels of the brain hormone BDNF, which increases the growth of new neurons and fights various degenerative processes in the brain.Curcumin extracts have been shown to reduce cancer cells, especially cancers relating to the digestive system.