Here’s a taste of what to expect
at our next series of classes starting in February! The menus will be pretty
much what you see here pending issues with fresh organic produce and me
possibly having an even better idea the week before!
All this series of classes will
be held at St Andrews Hall, Sydney Parade in East Geelong.Enter around the side where you'll see a big Yoga sign. By May, we will hopefully have our
Raw Ambition kitchen finished, fingers crossed! We’ll be taking a break till
about August/ September while we get ready for the next stage of our quest for
world domination. Nyahahahaha.
Please email to register for a class.
(Please note: All recipes are Gluten and Dairy Free, some contain NUTS but NO PEANUTS).
(Please note: All recipes are Gluten and Dairy Free, some contain NUTS but NO PEANUTS).
Feb 15th : Summer Harvest
In this class we’ll be making the
most of all those summer goodies and our menu will include:
Juicing and Smoothies (to start
you off for the morning!)
Zucchini Fritters and Tomato
Chilli Jam
Kale and Hemp Power Bowl
Broccoli Bounty Bowl
Sprouted Buckwheat Pizza
Chocolate Mint Slice
Something very delicious with
sprouted Quinoa
Something else very delicious
that I haven’t created yet that involves figs!
There will be heaps to eat and
plenty of discussion, tip and tricks for including raw food in your diet, any
concerns etc..
This class is about 4 hours long
and starts at 10am
Cost is $100pp. SOLD OUT
March 1st: Summer Harvest (as above) STARTS AT 9.15! SOLD OUT
This popular class covers the
fundamentals of going raw, plenty of
question time and discussions and will include:
What is raw and why do it?
An easy method of juicing
Some savoury dishes including pate, bread, pasta and tomato sauce
A few desserts including cheesecake and treats!
class is about 2.5- 3 hours long and costs $80pp and starts at 10am
March 27th : Introduction
above but this class starts at 6.30pm!
April 5th : Autumn
Gatherings SOLD OUT
special class will help prepare you for the cooler weather ahead, we’ll include
the following:
and Olive Fettucine
Coconut Soup
Fried Rice
Pizza and spicy chipotle sauce
And a few other things I am
working on in the lab!
This class is about 4 hours long
and starts at 10am
Cost is $100pp.