Saturday, 26 October 2013

Recipe: Rawsome Power Salad!

Get into some Hemp man! Finally, the powers that be are letting us consume this INCREDIBLE product in Australia. It's been sold as animal grade forever but what did they think we were gonna do with it? That's right GET HIGH. Eeeeediots. (But like, it was OK for animals to eat it.....riiiiiight). Fortunately (or unfortunately) hemp in this form contains no THC, the stuff that makes you say things like ''wooooahhh man, is that cow jumping over the moooooon?"

Hemp Seed Oil is a amazing source of Omega 3s (very important for vegans) and Omega 6's (more readily available but when the ratio of 3's to 6s is wrong they can cause irritation in the body).
Hemp Seeds themselves are a POWERHOUSE of protein. If you EVER worry about not getting enough on a plant based diet, then Hemp is the answer. Fantiddlyastic for athletes, this stuff helps keep your muscles pumping and it tastes great too.

This salad is a celebration that sensibility prevailed, and I hope all the people that utilise other parts of the Hemp plant for 'other' purposes try some too, because the awesome fatty acid profile is great for the brain!

Rawsome Power Salad! 


1 bunch of Cavalo Nero (Tuscan kale, dark, long)
1/4 Cabbage
1 Carrot
3 Spring Onions
1/2 cup Wakame seaweed
1/2 cup Hemp Seeds
1/2 cup Activated Almonds

  • Brunoise (rolled and cut into thin ribbons) the Kale
  • Finely chop Cabbage
  • Grate Carrot
  • Chop Spring onions finely
  • Pop all this in a large bowl
  • Add Hemp seeds, seaweed, almonds

1/2 cup Brazil Nuts
1/2 cup Macadamia Nuts
1 Avocado
2 cloves Garlic
1 tsp seasalt (more if you prefer)
about an inch of Ginger
Juice of 1 lime
around 1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup Hemp oil

  • Combine everything except the water and Hemp Oil in food processor
  • Slowly add half the water while processing and then slowly add the oil
  • Add more of the water if it seems too thick, process till smooth

  • Make sure the salad is well mixed before you add the dressing as it is quite thick
  • Use salads hands (wooden ones) or your own very clean hands to work the dressing into the salad, Kale is a little tough so it's good to massage the dressing in a little. Let it sit for 30 mins prior to serving.
  • Top with Microgreens

Monday, 21 October 2013

Recipe: Rawsome Seedy Bread

Seedy bread- the ultimate hangover cure.

So you're keen on raw but you're hankering for a hunk of bread? Your prayers have been answered. 

1 cup ground flax seeds
1/3 cup whole flax seeds
1 onion
½ tsp salt
½ tsp veggie stock
2 cloves of garlic
2/3 cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup hemp seeds
1 cup water 

  1. place all ingredients in food processor and gradually add water until you achieve a dough like consistency.
  2. Place an a silicone bread pan and put in dehydrator overnight
  3. Remove from pan and place on rack to form a crust (2-3 hours)
  4. Store in fridge and warm slices in dehydrator as you require them
  • You can slice and dehydrate the bread in one go if you prefer. This bread can be frozen but should put placed straight in the dehydrator from the freezer.

  • Try adding 1/2 cup of sundried tomatoes (not the ones on oil) and use the soaking water as your water. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Recipe: Raw Chocolate Crunch

*Raw Chocolate Crunch- you little beauty! 
Guarantee, if you have a sweet tooth - this mother of all chocolate treats will put paid to that, as well as providing a handy protein and mood boost!

You will need:

1 slice pan
1 cup mixed nuts  Brazil, Macadamia, Almond, Hazlenuts- your choice but ideally activated.
1 cup of mulberries, raisins, barberries, goji, sour cherries- you choose but sour is great against the sweetness.
½ cup of coconut crunch*
3 tablespoons coconut nectar
2 tsp maca powder
1 cup of shredded coconut
1 cup of coconut oil
3 tablespoons of raw cacao powder
* Also great to add is 1/2 a cup of puffed organic grains- not raw but adds a great texture.


     1)  Warm up the coconut oil in a small jug or bow
     2)Chop the nuts so they are still a little chunky and place in a large bowl
     3)  Add all the other dry ingredients
     4) Put the coconut nectar in with the melted coconut oil
     5)  Add the coconut oil mix to the dry ingredients and mix quickly by hand
     6)  Pour the mix into the slice pan and push down to condense it as much as possible
     7)  Pop in the freezer for 1 hour, it should flip out onto a chopping board. Chop into snack sized pieces or small bars.

*If you like, it's really great to pour chocolate over the top before you cool and cut, just slowly melt a bar of your favourite raw chockie and pour it evenly over the slice, then pop it in the freezer (and stick your head in the chocolate bowl with your tongue out). 

* Coconut Crunch is an AMAZING product from Banaban, it's air dried coconut flesh, absolutely delicious and so versatile, adds great texture. Ask your health food store if they can get some in!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Are You Raw Enough?

You can have your cake and eat it too! (Raw Jaffa Gateau)

What does it really mean to be raw? I want to say first up that it’s not a badge you wear with a percentage sign on it! If you can honestly be 100% raw, then power to you, but many people find this impractical and also their bodies just don’t handle it. It’s not a competition; it’s a very personal thing. What is clear is that eating raw food is of great benefit to your body, so we should all be doing more of it. You don’t have to be a ‘raw foodist’ to incorporate a good deal of raw goodness into your day. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If you were to switch your breakfast to a smoothie, or add a green juice in to your day, a large salad at lunch, fruit and nuts for snacks and at least half your plate raw at dinner, that’s a huge percentage of your daily diet being consumed in a raw state. Now couple that with creating decadent desserts that more than sate any cravings and you really shouldn’t feel like you’re giving anything up, or that your diet is significantly different - assuming you don’t usually eat fried chicken 3 meals a day. What I love about raw food is the creativity, preparing beautiful meals made from plants: how anyone could look at a plate of vibrant , living foods and not be inspired is beyond me!

That said, many people go raw and go crazy, they take it all on, read all the books, make all the food and panic when they’re eating away from home, worried they are poisoning themselves with anything that compromises their commitment, “ hey, you killed my broccoli, I’m suing!” They worry about doing it right, about being raw enough. I believe the term is ‘orthorexic’ but I prefer ‘eeeediot’. Firstly, stressing about it does your body no favours and secondly, WTF! Chill out man. Life is short! (even though evidence suggests you’ll make it a tad longer if you follow a plant based diet..)

There is some evidence when we’re talking serious disease in the body, that a fully raw diet makes a big difference to the healing process. That’s another whole topic for another time.  What I’m talking about here assumes you’re just a regular guy or gal wanting to improve your eating habits.

I started as a vegetarian in 1992, I’ve slowly become vegan and over the last 10 years, more and more raw. I go through stages where I’ll eat nearly all raw, without really thinking about it and stages where I’ll just want to make a lentil stew. For you it might be a (happy) lamb chop (though I’ll do my darndest to talk you out of it!) It’s taken a while but I believe I just eat according to what my body is asking for. Novel idea? Not so much. There was a time when that’s all we did, eat instinctively. Nowadays, we are virtually co-erced into eating badly by the food industry, and then the diet industry is there to pick us up, dust us off and start us all over again.  Those industries aren’t going anywhere, but you can take control: it’s up to us to ignore the noise and get in touch with what our bodies are really asking for. So raw as much as you want to, there’s no right or wrong, ignore the nay sayers and those that stand on soapboxes proclaiming the 100% gospel. Do what works for you. Doing it is what matters.